Vegetable Growing
Establishing development directions in the field of obtaining extra-early and early vegetables and cultivating vegetable species that respond favourably to pedoclimatic conditions
Choosing the assortment of species and cultivation for tomatoes in solariums and fields, peppers, aubergines, carrot, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, watermelons and melons
Creation of 3 varieties of watermelons: De Dabuleni, Dulce de Dabuleni and Oltenia and 2 varieties of beans for pods: Aura and Solara
Elaboration of cultivation technologies in tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, onions of chives and seed, watermelons and melons, cucumbers, garden beans and carrot
Development of technology for obtaining extra-early and early production of tomatoes, watermelons and melons by seedling, mulching and in low tunnel shelters
Creation of new cultivation of peppers, melons and cabbage
Conservative selection of some cultivation strips of vegetable species: peppers (Işalnița 85V, Bogdan, Doljan, Lung de Işalnița), garden beans (Iuliana, Işalnița 43), garden peas (Adela, Işalnița 60), watermelons (De Dăbuleni, Dulce de Dăbuleni, Oltenia), tomatoes (Romec 554j), winter radishes (Black Round) and leeks (Alutus).